Google has recently modified its traditional Adwords Ads to "Expanded Text Ads" . This ad format allows you to have a description with 45 additional characters as well as an additional URL field.
During a webinar broadcast aired on December, 1st, 2016, The Academy On Air team discussed the important of text ads.
Show the right message at the right time
Remember, Google shows the most relevant and comprehensive ads to its users.
The idea
Extended ads are now twice the size, allowing users the ability to maximize visibility on search results. The additional characters available in the new Adwords format are ideal for clear and concise messaging- perfect for reaching target audiences.
Discover the four best practices for text ads.
1. Link the keywords to the ad's text.
Businesses rely on ads to connect with users and attract them towards their websites and offers.
In application
Using the {KeyWord:} mention in Headline 1 allows you to personalize the title of the ad - it's automatically updated depending on the user's search. For example, when a user searches "buy dog food", these words will appear on the ad's headline.
This strategy will help increase qualified clicks. More clicks result in a reduced CPC, meaning that you'll pay less per click and generate a better return on your advertising investment.
2. Focus on the user.
Messages should reflect the user's needs and showcase the advantages that he/she can get from them. The strategy is simple. Put yourself entirely in your user's shoes!
In application
The following six strategies can be used for writing ads.
1. Call to Action
Use wording that calls the user to make the required action.
2. Unique Sales Proposition
Talk about your promotions, exclusive offers and prices.
3. Uppercase Titles
Don't yell out your text. Emphasize keywords.
4. Avoid generic language, use relevant wording
Link your keywords to your text ads.
5. Create for all devices
Write your ads to attract users on multiple devices.
6. Official Site
Insert ‘'official site'' and brand terminology in your ads.
Focus on finding users and put detailed information in your ads. Customizing ads will help avoid irrelevant content and unqualified users.
3. Succeed with extended ads.
How are extended ads profitable?
Optimizing text ads increases visibility. Providing the audience with information is necessary in order to build a solid connection.
In application?
Customize your ads so that your audience is able to view them contextually, through the right keyword, date, device, or user location.
Manual Extended Ads
- Applications
- Phone Calls
- Location
- Evaluation
- Sitelinks
- Hook
Automatic Extended Ads
- Consumer rating
- Salesman rating
- Dynamic structure snippets
The most important thing is customizing ads by using the audience's language. Extended ads increase exposure and click through rates.
4. Test, learn, optimise.
- Focus your tests on the titles
- Use 3 -5 ads per group
- Establish a rotation between ads designed to maximize clicks and those designed to maximize conversions
- Learn from fictitious and beta campaigns.
Remember, users clicks depend on content. It's important to master the format so that content is attractive.
In addition, you can create text campaigns. Use them - they identify if your ads work!
Create different ads and compare which ones work best. Optimize according to the real data. Make sure to change the ad titles to gauge the audience.
Finally, remember that as of January 31st, 2017, Extended Ads will be the only available model, therefore, it's important to transition to them immediately.
Contact us for any questions you may have ! We are happy to help!