Build a custom strategy with Adwords and DATA

Catherine Larivière
  • Nov. 17, 2017

When creating traditional or digital marketing campaigns, it's important to segment information. The data collected from digital marketing, offers the opportunity to customize content and obtain additional information - thoroughly understanding the segments . Data and digital tools have the capacity to offer personalized possibilities.

There are three types of data that are used for different marketing purposes and that, in my experience, make it possible to build custom strategies effectively:

  1. Primary data (Internal data)
  2. Secondary Data (Primary data belonging to another enterpris
  3. Tertiary Data (Data from data provider - Google Adwords)

When creating campaigns, ad group division is required to publish the most relevant message and to respond to user requests. The goal of segmentation is to offer the right product, to the right person, at the right time. Segmenting the most products and services for my clients generates the most relevant ad at the right time and to the right person. The strength of Adwords is using three types of data in order to:   

  • Precisely target customers, using the data, to attain different conversion goals
  • Customize messages based on segmented audiences
  • Analyze and optimize campaigns, since results are optimal (Demand Metric,2017).

There are several ways to personalize digital advertising messages, however, it requires using data. I believe this is the pillar of web marketing personalization and explains why, in my opinion, digital advertising is a one-to-one medium, notably by these means:

  • Using first and last names (emailing, website, SMS, etc.)
  • Using online chat
  • Using social media
  • Using cookies for personalized strategies
  • Using programmatic purchase and remarketing strategies

The limits?

If there is a limit to personalization, it is when marketing becomes too intrusive. In other words, there’s a fine line between personalization and intruding into people’s private lives through the use of data (Roche,2015). However, this is not an issue since hyper-targeted advertising is not perceived as aggressive or intrusive. Furthermore, institutions are also socially responsible for regulating digital marketing in order to respect online online on behalf of businesses (Cortland,2017).

In my opinion, the real obstacle affecting digital customization is the increase of ad blockers (Cortland,2017).

If you want to know more about  CyberPublicity’s strategies, give us a call. We will be happy to meet with you and discuss an effective SEM marketing strategy.


  1. Demand Metric.(2017).http://isarta.com/infos/?p=6915
  2. Roche,M.(2015).https://www.iabfrance.com/contenu/actus/edito-la-data-nouvel-or-noir-du-marketing-digital
  3. Cortland,M.(2017).https://pagefair.com/blog/2017/adblockreport/