How to Expand Your Business Internationally

Amanda Stramandinoli
  • Feb. 23, 2018

With the advent of the internet, reaching customers abroad is easier than ever. Studies show buyers don't care where companies are located when they purchase online, as long as their customer experience is positive. A consumer survey conducted by Google UK showed that 96% of people shopping on Booking.com were not aware that it operates out of the  Netherlands. However, nearly 90% of these shoppers said they would purchase from the company again despite their location (UK Google Survey, 2014).

Small, medium and large businesses can benefit from international online markets to grow their organizations. Google Adwords can help expand your audience by using specific targeting and automated bidding. Here are a few tips on how to use your adwords account to capitalize on global opportunities: 

1.Know Your International Audience

Identify which customers are searching for your products or service and why.

  • Understanding the who, what, where, when and why is critical to targeting the right demographic and audience. Use your Google Analytics account to obtain useful consumer information and statistics.

Identify the feasibility of targeting new markets.

  • Explore the logistics of becoming an international e-commerce. You should consider payment methods, shipping and translation in order to determine which geographical areas are feasible.

2. Connect With Similar Audiences 

When expanding your business, the general rule is to start with locations that are similar to your own. 

  • Adapting to a market that shares similar culture, language and geography is easier and more likely to result in success. For example, marketing your Canadian Maple syrup business to American buyers - we both enjoy pancakes for breakfast!

3. Use Automation to Simplify Management 

Control your budgeting and account management.

  • You can easily manage all your Adwords campaigns through automated bidding and ad customizers.

Test new markets using campaigns that don't use keyword targeting.

  • You can test new markets before investing your budget by using Dynamic Ads, Shopping Ads and Display Campaigns.

International targeting on Google's search engine is a practical way to acquire potential customers, improve your brand notoriety and increase your revenue. Outsourcing your Adwords campaigns to an agency can quickly increase your sales. Marketing agencies employ professionals that are current with the latest trends, innovations and news. If you need help with expanding your e-commerce, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer you.

1. UK Google Consumer Surveys, 2014
2. https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6382835