Web Optimization

Cybermetrics Analyze Your Website's Traffic

Creating digital strategies founded on measurable data is made possible through web analytics. Control the number of visits to your site, the pages visited and the number of new visitors; information needed to understand and know your target audience. Cybermetrics allows your website to become a profitable and beneficial tool for your activity.

Cyberpublicity Expert in Web Analytics

Analyzing your digital data to optimize your results is our goal! Our certified Google Analytics experts create your marketing strategy with an effective 4 step process:

Setting up Your Analytics Account

We set up your Analytics account and integrate your website's tracking codes. We also create your Webmaster Tool account and link the Google Adwords account if it exists, configuring all the parameters for your analysis.

Defining Your Objectives and Key Performance Indicators

We collaborate with you to define what your goals are for your online presence and the means you want to implement to achieve them. Next, we will choose relevant performance indicators in order to track your results through the Google Analytics platform.

Results and Detailed Reporting Analysis

Data collection is not enough to improve your profitability, you have to take advantage of it. Our consultants present you detailed reports that follow your evolution. We analyze and adjust the actions regularly for an optimal digital strategy.

Implementation of Recommendations

In order to ensure the best possible service, your dedicated account manager and our technical support implement recommendations that will be presented to you. We put Cybermetrics at the service of your success.

Beginner Google Analytics Training

Do you dream of mastering the basics of Google Analytics? Take advantage of our training to acquire knowledge and build skills in web analytics! You will be able to:

  • Recognize and define relevant performance indicators
  • Make the best decisions based on the results obtained
  • Know the best practices to adopt on Google Analytics

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Why CyberPublicity?

Certified Google Analytics Professionnals

Business Analytics Expertise

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